Saturday, August 17, 2013

The 'D' Word

Divorce. I have dreaded that word since I was a little girl. Growing up in a traditional Mexican Catholic family the 'D' word was a no-no. To break your promise to God and your husband would be considered shameful, and so whilst the girlish dreams of a soulmate wisped through my mind, so did the worry that I might let my family down if my so called soulmate left. That's who I happen to be, the world's biggest worry-wort, even as a child. Anyhow, as I grew older I realized that no, divorce wasn't the worst thing in the world nor was it shameful. I still do however find it depressing. The thought of young love (so tender, passionate and sweetly naive) and aged love (so full of experience, strong ties and battle scars) could diminish into nothing, or worse yet hate, makes my heart ache. Recently I've been talking to quite a few friends that are finding themselves in either the grey area of separation or filing paperwork and making the break permanent. Some have told me that they just grew apart and that they were tired of settling with behavior they had once tolerated, while others just said they were never right from the start and needed to fix that mistake. Of course most of us don't walk down the aisle thinking we are going to be part of the staggering divorce statistics, we all believe that our love is forever. For my own relationship I know that if need be, I will fight tooth and nail to keep what I have, and that there will be certain times that we will have harsh lows. I don't know any long-term couple that hasn't had some rough times, and if anyone claims they have always been supremely happy without quarrels then they are either lying or they haven't been together for that long. Right now I am supremely happy (not without a good ol' fight here and there ;) ) and grateful for this love we have. For those going through divorces right now, I hope you find happiness in either the single life or maybe one day another romance. We only have one life and if you're just downright miserable, and you've tried everything you could to make things work, then you gotta do what is going to make you happy. For the next entry, I'll pick a topic that's not such a downer. Have a great day!

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